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Monday, January 3


So last night I ended up having about three and a half hours to think and pray and talk to God last night.  And I realized something, well a lot of somethings, but most important in relation to Add A Little Light, is that I am entirely too stuffy over here.  Which, I think, is part of the reason I’ve had trouble writing over here on a regular basis.  I can be serious when the situation calls for it, but not for a terribly long duration.  And let’s face it, Christianity requires that you be real.  And if I’m going to be real I have to be a little more relaxed than I’ve felt in my posts so far.

So in these extra solitary hours that I ended up having last night, I prayed about a lot of things.  I prayed about our friend, her mom and their family as a medical emergency is the reason we were driving to Louisville at midnight.  I also prayed for things like peace over my house while I wasn’t there to deal with the kids.  And for our future. And to be in the will of God, and help us realize what that means for our lives.  And I prayed for Him to shrink my appetite.

I mean, He made me, so He’s totally able to mess with that little knob.  And in His word, it says He knows our wants and needs.  It also says if we ask it will be given to us.  Since one of my goals is to be healthier, ya know, for the rest of my life.  I thought maybe He could give me a helpful little boost with a Holy Ghost appetite suppressant.

I don’t do this to make light of prayer, but to show that there is never anything to small or silly to ask God for.  He can do all things, and we should never be little our thoughts, ideas, needs or wants, because He cares about them, no matter the size or seriousness of the situation.  And that’s for real, God love, right there.

Reference Verse : Matthew 7:7
Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.

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